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The mission of the CCCYMR is:

  • To inspire youths to become a better instrument of evangelism for Celestial Church of Christ and the world by growing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This ministry hopes to fortify our faith as youth through fellowship, worship, and the study and application of the Bible’s teachings.

  • To ensure youth are well equipped to handle the responsibilities required to move the Church forward in a manner that will consistently uplift and bring glory to God. 

  • To instill the culture of Christ to ensure that this ministry can make a generational impact while re-establishing a feeling of pride in relation to being a Christian. 



  • Build a team of leaders to uphold the ministry through programming and mentorship;

  • Facilitate consistent events, programs, and activities to assist youths in developing their relationship with Christ.

  • Provide a platform for youths of Celestial Church of Christ to fellowship together and develop a better understanding of Christ and the Church;

  • Develop a network of resources and relationships with community organizations to promote fellowship.

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